1. 11 am worship service will be live and recorded for the website. It will be a brief service. EFFECTIVE: THE FIRST SUNDAY IN March, March 7, 2021
2. Seats have been marked off for social distance. Those living in the same household can sit together; however, we will also have single sitting space while maintaining social distance.
3. Temperatures will be checked upon entry to the church.
4. Sunday School will still be conducted via Zoom and recorded for the website.
5. The church will remain closed for other activities until further notice. Why?
6. The church must be sanitized after each use. It would be extremely costly for us to sanitize the church every time the doors are opened for people to come in and meet.
a. Everyone will not be able to get vaccinated.
b. The risk for COVID-19 will remain the same.
c. We don’t want anyone to be in the church that is asymptomatic and someone else catch the virus who has underlying health issues and end up in the hospital or near death because we didn’t screen everyone who entered and we didn’t sanitize before entering and after everyone left.
7. Annual days will resume with only an 11 am worship service.
8. Meals will not be cooked or eaten in the church. Applicable annual day meals will be catered and distributed “ready to go.”
9. Ministries can meet via Zoom or Conference Call. We will provide the means to do this.
10.Zoom Vacation Bible School will be considered. The Facilitator will need to
meet with me and Trustee Childress to develop a plan.
* Special Note: Our senior members and those with health challenges who have not been vaccinated are encouraged to wait until a later date to attend “in-person.” Everyone’s health and safety are our major concern.
Applicable ministries including greeters, ushers, health ministry members will meet prior to beginning live services to prepare for regathering.